How To Stay Out of the Hospital

Insights from integrated and functional health expert, Dr. Myles Spar

Men hiking in the woods


If you didn’t have the time to tune in to EVRYMAN Live last week, Dr. Myles Spar shared key insights that could change (and extend) your life. We’ve got you covered. Here are four key takeaways.

  1. The societal pressure to be a specific type of man can be harmful to our health. There’s been a “bastardization of what stoicism means” in today’s world, where many men see a man as someone who doesn’t share emotion, weakness, or vulnerability. According to Dr. Spar, this puts many of us in a position of not asking for help when we need it.

  1. Our sense of purpose can influence our health and longevity. It might appear disconnected from physical health, but having a sense of purpose and a reason for living, a term the Japanese call “ikigai,” can lead to a healthier and longer life. Finding this sense of purpose takes serious effort; it requires journaling, meditating, and being in the company of people who can reflect to us who we are and what makes us come alive.

  1. We are not born with the knowledge of how to optimize our health. Professional athletes have coaches and trainers, and we don’t think they’re weak for leaning on those experts. The ability to ask for help and find coaches and trainers to help with diet and nutrition, stress management, or our spiritual lives can make us stronger, not weaker.

  1. Your genes are not your destiny. You can turn on and off your genes based on your lifestyle, Dr. Spar said. It’s called Epigenetics, or how your behaviors (like diet) and your environment (like stress) can affect how your genes work. A healthy lifestyle can turn off bad genes, reducing the likelihood that they’ll be passed down to future generations.

This one was so important that we wanted to make sure every man could find the time to watch. Watch the recording below.

The next EVRYMAN Live is on March 19th with Kristen Ulmer, a researcher who specializes in conquering fear. Secure your spot here.


“I Got a Sleep Study in My 30s. It Probably Saved My Life.” Between 30 and 50 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, but only six million have been clinically diagnosed. Untreated, it can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart failure, as well as a host of other metabolic disorders and health issues. GQ (9 minutes)

40 Thoughts On Turning 40. Paul Millerd, who quit his job and left corporate America in 2017, has written books and an acclaimed newsletter on how to chart your own path and design a fulfilling life in the 21st century. Here are 40 reflections from when he turned 40. Pathless (11 minutes)

How Protein Mania Took Over The American Grocery Store. Even though most people in the Western world already get far more protein than our bodies require, there’s a rush to put extra protein in everything from cereal to ice cream. The obsession with protein is partially due to the increasingly large and muscular masculine body ideal that's celebrated in contemporary culture. Grub Street (23 minutes)

What’s Taking Up Your Mental Bandwidth Right Now? For each moment of your sixteen waking hours, your mind is pointed at something, and it matters what it is. Your mood, your actions, and the tone and feel of your life depend hugely on what’s on your mind. Raptitude (9 minutes)

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